The Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) has a very bright contrasting yellow, black and white striped pattern that makes them easily identifiable. They live in shallow waters on coral reefs in tropical and sub-tropical oceans in the Indo-Pacific region. This fish is threatened by overfishing and habitat loss, as well as capture for aquarium trade.
These vibrant fish live in tropical oceans worldwide and favor shallow waters of coral reef ecosystems.
These fish are omnivorous, eating algae, small crustaceans, brine shrimp, and coral reef vegetation found on the coral reef.
Growing just over 20cm in length, they are tall, narrow fish with a striking yellow, black and white striped pattern making them easily identifiable. They have a very long dorsal fin that trails behind them.
Key Features
- Vibrant Yellow, Black, and White pattern.
- They have an extremely long dorsal fin that trails behind them.
IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concerned
Frequently Asked Questions
They are omnivorous, eating brine shrimp and coral reef vegetation.
These fish can grow to just over 20cm in length.
Generally timid, but males can be territorial if threatened, take sensible precautions.