Lettuce Coral is a species of stoney coral also known as Lettuce Leaf coral. This species of coral has a distinctive lettuce shape, and come with a variety of colours, from beige, brown, green, and pink. The coral is found in sub-tropical and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region.

The coral is found in sub-tropical and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Usually found in shallow coral reef ecosystems, due to the sunlight requirement for the photosynthesis. The coral is usually seen attached to rocks and can be in large colonies.

Lettuce coral gets its food or energy primarily from photosynthesis. The coral has a symbiotic relationship with algae that lives within its skeleton and tissue, providing nutrients from photosynthesis. The coral in return provides housing for the algae. The coral can also capture passing plankton in the water column.

his species of coral has a distinctive lettuce shape, and come with a variety of colours, from beige, brown, green, and pink. This species of coral can grow large colonies spread over the sea bed. The underlating leaf shape provides shelter for marine life such as Damselfish shown in the picture at the Similan Islands, Thailand.

Key Features
- Leaf shape ressembling Lettuce or Cabbage.
- Singular and large colonies usually on rocky sea beds.
- Variety of colours, from beige, brown, green, and pinks.

Frequently Asked Questions
The coral is found in sub-tropical and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Usually found in shallow coral reef ecosystems, due to the sunlight requirement for the photosynthesis. The coral is usually seen attached to rocks and can be in large colonies.
Lettuce coral gets its food or energy primarily from photosynthesis. The coral has a symbiotic relationship with algae that lives within its skeleton and tissue, providing nutrients from photosynthesis. The coral in return provides housing for the algae. The coral can also capture passing plankton in the water column.
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