Marine Glossary
Search our marine glossary to find the marine life you’ve seen. Each species includes our snorkel videos and photos, and where we’ve seen these awesome marine animals.
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Boulder Star Coral
Lettuce Coral
Mushroom Coral
Redtail Butterflyfish
Reef Manta Ray
Acroporidae Coral
Alcyoniidae Coral
Arabian Butterflyfish
Arabian Surgeonfish
Banded Snake Eel
Black Sea Urchin
Blacktip Reef Shark
Blue Coral
Blue Sea Star
Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray
Brain Coral
Cauliflower Coral
Christmas Tree Worm
Clark's Anemonefish
Common Comet Star
Crown Of Thorns Starfish
Eastern Blue Groper
Feather Duster Worm
Feathertail Stingray
Freckled Goatfish
Giant Clam
Green Turtle
Grey Mullet
Hawksbill Turtle
Humpback Whale
Klein's Butterflyfish
Massive Boulder Coral
Moorish Idol
Nosestripe Anemonefish
Orbicular BatFish
Oscellaris Clownfish
Picasso Triggerfish
Porcupine Ray
Redfin Butterflyfish
Salema Porgy
Scribbled Pipefish
Sergeant Major Damselfish
Spinner Dolphin
Spotted Eagle Ray
Staghorn Branch Coral
Striped Eel Catfish
Striped Surgeonfish
Table Coral
Titan Triggerfish
Tomato Anemonefish
Whale Shark
White Sea Bream
Yellowtail Fusilier
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