The Nosestripe Anemonefish (Amphiprion akallopisos), found in the Indo-Pacific region and part of the Indian Ocean. These Anemonefish live within an Anemones and have a symbiotic relationship, meaning that they benefit each other. The small fish are protected from the stinging tentacles, in return they clean the Anemone and can provide nutrients from their food.

Nosestripe Anemonefish live in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and parts of the Indian Ocean.

Diet consists of primarily small invertebrates, plankton, and Algae.

The Nosestripe Anemonefish has a reddish, orange, brownish body colour, with a distinctive white stripe running along the center of the top of its body. These Anemonefish reach lengths of up to 10 centermeters.

Key Features
- Found in Anemones Tentacles.
- Have a distinctive white stripe running along the center of the top of its body.
- Reddish, Orange, Brownish body colour.

IUCN Conservation Status: LEAST CONCERNED

Frequently Asked Questions
The Nosestripe Anemonefish (Amphiprion akallopisos), found in the Indo-Pacific region and part of the Indian Ocean. These small fish live in Anemones, and have a symbiotic relationship where the Anemone provides protection with its stinging tentacles and the Anemonefish cleans the Anemone.