Snorkeling Surin Islands, Thailand

Phuket Locations South East Asia Thailand

Rating: 4 out of 5.


By Luke


Rating: 4 out of 5.

By Luke

Very good snorkel trip, in my opinion, the best trip from Phuket/Khoa Lak. Very healthy, diverse coral reefs with fish and other marine life. The crystal clear waters and stunning islands are a fantastic experience. There also aren’t too many tourists and worth the boat ride there and back.


  • Crystal clear waters
  • Very healthy coral reefs
  • Abundance of fish and marine life
  • Not too touristy


  • hour transfer from Phuket to Khao Lak Pier
  • Nothing too big to see
  • More costly than other tours
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Snorkeling the Surin Islands, Phuket

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Favourite Snorkel Snaps

Coral Reef, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Coral Reef, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Crown Of Thorns Starfish, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Crown Of Thorns Starfish, at the Surin Islands, Thailand
Clownfish, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Three-Spot Damselfish above the Anemone
Clownfish, Chong Kad Channel
Clownfish, Chong Kad Channel
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Snorkel Review


Coral Reef Icon

Pristine Coral present

Thermometer Icon

2-4 Meters Average Depth

Australian Mado Icon

Very Good Visibility

Snorkeling Partner Icon

East to medium difficulty

Food Drink Icon

Cafe at Island

Econonic Financial Icon

Tours approx $80-$100 USD

Sea Urchin Icon

Sea Urchins Present

Jellyfish Icon




Tour Cost:

Star Rating:


April, 2023


฿3,100 Thai Baht ($90.00 US Dollars)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The Surin Islands are located off the West coast of South Thailand, off of the popular Khao Lak and Phuket. The National Park is a popular tourist attraction for its crystal clear waters, picturesque islands, and incredible coral reefs. I went on a snorkel trip that ran from Khoa Lak to the Surin Islands. I was staying in Kata, so it was an early morning start and transfer to Khoa Lak. The snorkel trip was a full day 9:00-16:00pm, stopping at three snorkel spots, beach time, and visiting the Moken Village, with breakfast and lunch included.

Snorkel Spot, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Snorkel Spot, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands

Chong Kad Channel

The first snorkel spot on my trip was Chong Kad Channel, which is located in Northern Surin Island. The contrast of the light blue shoreline with the coral-filled dark blue water was exceptional. Two boats that stopped at this site, but it was very large so it wasn’t too busy.

Snorkel Spot Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Turquiose waters of Chong Kad Channel
Snorkel Spot, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Snorkel Spot, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands

The water visibility was pristine and perfect for exploring the coral reef which ran along the coastline. It was mainly made up of Boulder coral with patches of Branch coral, Stoney coral, etc. This was one of the healthiest coral reefs I’ve seen in Thailand, with incredible coral diversity, vibrant colours, and marine life.

Coral Reef

Coral Reef, Surin Islands
Phenomonal, vibrant purple coral
Coral Reef Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Stoney Acroporidae Coral
Coral Reef, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Looking at the coral reef from above
Coral Reef, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Large Lettuce Coral
Coral Reef, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Stunning Purple boulder coral

Top Tip:

One of the best parts of the snorkel at the first spot was finding clownfish swimming amongst the Anemone tentacles. From my experience snorkeling in Thailand, Anemones are normally tucked away within the reef, protected from waves and currents. However, these Anemone structures were visible near the surface of the coral reef with several clownfish swimming within the tentacles.

Oscellaris Clownfish, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Oscellaris Clownfish hiding in the Anemone
Common Clownfish, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Common Clownfish
Clownfish, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Oscellaris Clownfish

There was also other marine life including Blackeyed Rabbitfish, Crown of Thorns Starfish, Three-Spotted Damselfish, Titan Triggerfish, Parrotfish, Moorish Idol, Blackedge Thicklipped Wrasse, Orangespined Surgeonfish, and many more.

Blackeye Rabbitfish, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
A pair of Blackeyed Rabbitfish
Crown Of Thorns Star Fish
Crown Of Thorns Star Fish
Clownfish, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Three-Spot Damselfish above the Anemone

Mae Yai Bay

Mae Yai Bay is located in the South of the Northern Surin Island, the large Bay has a coral reef that runs through the center and rises almost to the ocean surface.

Snorkel Spot

Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai, Surin Islands
Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai Bay
Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands

The coral was only 1.5-2.0 meters from the surface of the water. There were times when I had to be cautious swimming above the coral. But the corridors within the coral reef were great fun to explore.

Oscellaris Clownfish, Surin Islands
Oscellaris Clownfish in Anemone

The coral reef at this snorkel spot was probably one of the best coral reefs I’ve snorkeled in Thailand. The diversity of coral, colours, and contours of the reef was stunning and a fantastic experience to explore. There isn’t anything too big to see here, with Clownfish and Giant Moray Eels being the main unusual creatures to spot.

Coral Reef

Coral Reef, Drop Off, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Woah! Looking up at a coral mountain off of the drop off
Coral Reef, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Vibrant corals pack the sea bed
Boulder Coral, Surin Islands
Boulder Coral towering almost to the surface of the ocean
Coral Reef, Surin Islands
Coral Reef, Surin Islands
Boulder Coral Reef, Surin Islands, Thailand
Boulder Coral corridors through the coral reef

Some of my favourite marine life I spotted on this snorkel included Oscellaris Clownfish, Variegated Lizardfish, and many vibrant Golden Gregory Damsel’s and Blue-Green Chromis.

Marine Life

Clownfish, Surin Islands
A family of Common Clownfish swimming in the Anemone
Variegated Lizardfish, Surin Islands
Variegated Lizardfish perching on boulder star coral
Damselfish, Coral, Surin Islands
Blue Damselfish hiding in the staghorn branch coral

Safety Tip:

The coral reef is very close to the surface of the water, so be careful whilst swimming over the coral reef not to hit the coral or get trapped.

Sea Urchins, Khai Nui

I would say the main stand out of snorkeling at Surin Islands was the pristine corals, which were well established corals, unusual coral species, and intricate, delicate structures.

Surin Islands Corals

Spiral Table Coral, Surin Islands
Spiralled Table Coral
Mazed Brain Coral, Surin Islands, Thailand
Intricate mazed brain coral
Damselfish, Branch Coral, Surin Islands
Golden Gregory Damselfish, swimming in the branch coral
Coral Reef, Chong Kad Channel, Surin Islands
Stunning Purple boulder coral
Boulder Star Coral, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Boulder Star Coral

Chong Khat Bay Beach

Chong Khat Bay Beach
Chong Khat Bay Beach
Chong Khat Bay Beach
Chong Khat Bay Beach
Chong Khat Bay Beach
Chong Khat Bay Beach

We stopped off at Chong Khat Bay to have lunch at the Mu Ko Surin Islands National Park restaurant. We had time to relax and explore the stunning, crystal-clear beach, which made for the perfect photo opportunity.

Local Moken Village

Moken Village ,Surin Islands
Moken Village ,Surin Islands
Moken Village, Surin Islands
Moken Village, Surin Islands
Moken Village, Surin Islands
Moken Village, Surin Islands

During the trip to the Surin Islands, we visited the local Moken Village where the people live within the islands. The houses were made out of Bamboo and we walked through the village. This was a great experience to visit the village and meet the locals who were selling homemade jewellery and bracelets.


Overall, snorkeling the Surin Islands was a fabulous experience and one of my favourites in Thailand. I’d book a Surin Islands snorkeling trip again if I was to visit Phuket, or Khoa Lak again. Stunning islands, crystal clear waters, and healthy, diverse coral reefs where you can spot Nemo.

Tour Guide Options

Snorkel trips from Phuket to the Surin Islands range from $70.00-$100.00. Snorkel trips from Khao Lak to the Surin Islands range from $60.00-$80.00. If you’re staying in Phuket, there is a transfer to Khao Lak pier, where the tours set off to the National Park.

Best Snorkel Spot

In my opinion, the best snorkel spot was Mae Yai Bay, where I snorkeled two spots during the trip. The reef was in fantastic condition and well protected from the currents/waves even though it was in the middle of the bay. There were many tourists, but because the reef was so large you weren’t bumping into other people. There was a variety of different corals and I spotted two different sets of Oscellaris Clownfish.

Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Snorkel Spot, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Coral Reef, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Coral Reef, Mae Yai Bay, Surin Islands
Clownfish, Surin Islands
Clownfish, Surin Islands

Best Time Of Year

If you are visiting the Surin Islands, Thailand’s dry season will give you the best weather for snorkeling which is October-May.

Marine Life Icon

Popular Marine Life

Parrotfish Icon


Moorish Idol Icon

Moorish Idol

Clownfish Icon

Oscellaris Clownfish

Lined Butterflyfish Icon


Sergeant Major Damselfish Icon


Golden Gregory Icon

Golden Gregory & Chromis

Giant Clam Icon

Giant Clam

Rare Marine Life

Giant Moray Eel Icon

Giant Moray Eel

Titan Triggerfish Icon

Titan Triggerfish

Scribbled Pipefish Icon

Scribbled Pipefish

Christmas Tree Worm Icon

Christmas tree Worm

Crown Of Thorns Star Fish Icon

Crown of Thorns Star Fish

Rare Marine Life Icon

Coral Reef

Boulder Coral Icon

Boulder Coral

Table Coral Icon

Table Coral

Brain Coral Icon

Brain Coral

Acroporidae Coral Icon

Acroporidae Coral

Staghorn Branch Coral Icon

Staghorn Branch Coral

Lettuce Coral Icon

Lettuce Coral

Boulder Star Coral Icon

Boulder Star Coral

Mushroom Coral Icon

Mushroom Coral

Slipper Coral Icon

Slipper Coral

Marine Life Icon

What I Saw

(Seen on April, 2023)

Ocellaris ClownfishCrown Of Thorns Star Fish
Blackedge Thicklip WrasseParrotfish
Titan TriggerfishGiant Clam
Seargent Major DamselfishOval Butterflyfish
Blackeyed RabbitfishOrangespine Surgeonfish
Moorish IdolLettuce Coral
Table CoralAcroporidae Coral
Boulder CoralMushroom Coral
Boulder Star CoralStaghorn Branch Coral
Ocellaris ClownfishRedfin Butterflyfish
Variegated LizardfishChristmas Tree Worm
Magnificent RabbitfishRandalls Rabbitfish
Green-Blue ChromisCrown Of Thorns Star Fish
Lemon DamselfishGolden Gregory Damselfish
Scribbled PipefishBoulder Coral
Brain CoralStaghorn Branch Coral
Mushroom CoralLettuce Coral
Ocellaris ClownfishRedfin Butterflyfish
Powder-Blue SurgeonfishBlue Spot Butterflyfish
Blackeyed RabbitfishMoorish Idol
Green-Blue ChromisCrown Of Thorns Star Fish
Giant ClamGolden Gregory Damselfish
Sergeant Major DamselfishStriped Triplefin Gobyfish
Scribbled PipefishBoulder Coral
Singular BannerfishChinese Demoiselle
Boulder CoralStoney Acroporidae Coral
Brain CoralStaghorn Branch Coral
Table CoralHoneycomb Coral
Boulder Star CoralSlipper Coral
Mushroom CoralLettuce Coral
World Icon

Where is the Surin Islands?

The Surin islands are off the West coast of Khoa Lak, which is just North of Phuket.

Surin Islands

Chong Kad Channel

Mae Yai Bay

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Luke Snorkeling Nusa Lembongan



Luke is a passionate snorkeler who started Snorkelverse and live his dream of combining his passions for snorkeling, marine life, protecting marine ecosystems, and helping others.

Phuket Snorkel Reviews



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